Sunday, July 22, 2012

Attention Garden Girls!

On my trip to Dallas for the gift show I happened upon an amazing way of displaying flowers.   You start with a 12" pot and you place the stand into it and fill the pot halfway with rocks to help stablize it... next you slide at an angle a 10" pot and fill it with rocks a quarter of the way, then you slide a 8" pot and then another 8" pot and lastly a 6" pot.... and now you can either fill the pots with soil and real plants or as we did it at the cottage garden we filled with moss and silk plants and flowers.... it is so cool!!!!!!   There is also a table top version that uses a 8" pot and 2 6" pots....  we have everything you need to create this at #1 shop....  so hope to see you will be a great addition to any garden...

So from this to....

Edit:  After I posted about the Dallas trip and the plant stand on the blog, I received an e-mail from Nancy Shelton telling me that she designed the plant stand and holds a patent on the design.  I have therefore edited the blog post to reflect this new information and remove any possible inaccuracies.

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